It is my pleasure to open up this blog with an article dedicated an exhibition created almost unintentionally: "Look inside" by Angelo Paionni. These pictures were taken under cover during a practical lesson of photography that took place at the Macro Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, in via Reggio Emilia. The photographer, a well-known artist in Rome, is my father.
The people portrayed are his pupils, which in these pictures appear on both sides of the camera, on the one hand as aspiring photographer and, on the other hand, as unwittingly photographed subjects. The result is that the people in these photos are captured by the lens while thinking, discussing, experiencing, focussing, and taking the pictures. We eventually see them live. They are naked to us, with no poses, and unveil their deeper essence to us, while we watch them.
I disclose and publish these pictures not only as a hommage to my father, who indeed deserves it - I think, but mainly to provide you with an unique opportunity to see such photos, taking into account that the exhibiiton "Look inside" took place in January 2016 and will probably not be held again.
Enjoy the pictures, they are worth it.
Also due to the exceptional location, the pictures are striking in their spontaneity. The extraordinary interaction between human beings and masterpieces gives the ensemble an expressiveness and a meaning that neither the former nor the latter would have, separately.
Real unintentional alchemy.
The exhibition, organised in cooperation with the Fondazione Di Liegro, took place at the Talent Art Gallery in via Ferdinando Martini 7, Rome (Talenti), from 26 to 30 January 2016.
For more info: