Alessia Paionni is a creative person, who loves to see new things and to travel around the world, contemplating breathless landscapes and amazing works of art.
Alessia also likes reading, playing, listening to the music, and watching beautiful films while on the sofa with her family and her two cats.
Rome is the place where Alessia lives, works, and cooperates now and then with a lovely tiny art gallery. More than anything, it is where she draws her inspiration. is her first blog.
She writes articles and reviews for cultural associations and art galleries, and cooperates with photographers and artists in the set-up of their exhibitions (among others, Lucio Trojano, Enzo Mordacci, Maria Zamboni and Angelo Paionni).
She also designed the cover of the book "Andavamo pazzi per la fotografia" by Lucio Trojano (AF Pixel Ocean).