In mostra a Palazzo Venezia, ancora per pochi giorni, i capolavori dal Museo Provinciale dello Henan, uno dei maggiori musei nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese, che testimoniano la nascita dell’odierna Cina (581 d.C. – 907 d.C., dalla dinastia Han alla dinastia Tang).
On display at Palazzo Venezia, still for a few days, masterpieces coming from the Henan Provincial Museum, one of the largest museums in the People's Republic of China, tell of the passage from the Han Dynasty, when today's China began to take shape, to the Golden Age of the Tang Dynasty (581 AD – 907 AD). the halls of the Fifteenth-century Refectory of Palazzo Venezia will showcase the masterpieces of the Henan Provincial Museum, one of the largest museums of the People's Republic of China....