Photography Exhibition by Angelo Paionni

I am pleased to open this website publishing an article on one of the latest photo exhibitions by a well-known artist in Rome, who is also my father.
Look inside by Angelo Paionni is a portfolio of pictures taken under cover, almost by chance, during a lesson of photography that took place at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome (MACRO), in via Nizza.
The people portrayed are some of the students, who appear on both sides of the camera, in a double role of aspiring photographers and unawarely captured subjects.
The result is that the students in these pictures are taken by the lens while thinking, discussing, experiencing, focussing, and shooting. We eventually see them live. They appear naked, with no poses, and unveil their deeper essence to us.
The Look inside exhibition ended in January 2016. With the author’s consensus, I disclose and publish here some of the most representative photographs not only as an hommage to my father, but also to provide you with a unique opportunity to relish these pictures.
Enjoy them, and their location, as well.
The interaction between human beings and works of art gives the ensemble a particular meaning that neither the former nor the latter would have, taken separately.
Unintentional alchemy.
Alessia Paionni
The exhibition, organised in cooperation with Fondazione Di Liegro, took place at the TalentArt Gallery in via Ferdinando Martini 7, Rome (Talenti), from 26 to 30 January 2016.